I’ve been in the entertainment world most of my life. Although as a child it wasn't much more than speaking into a tin foil microphone that my parents made for me. My life when I was younger generally revolved around physical activity. I became a gymnast at age 13 with the intent of moving to Los Angeles to be become a stunt performer. I did so at age 20. I worked on “The Dukes of Hazard”, “Karate Kid III”, “Tales Of The Golden Monkey” “The Master”, Various Rock videos and also co-starred in “Malibu Senior High”, a feature film.

Doing stunts didn’t seem dangerous enough so I became a police officer. After ten years I retired early and moved back to Portland.

in 2005 I bought a $100.00 mic and padded my basement with moving blankets. I worked slowly at learning the never ending craft of voiceover. I now have 20 years of experience. I’m a full time voice actor working exclusivly from my home studio. You can see what equipment I use and what my studio looks like by going HERE.